Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Linda caught the biggest fish of the day!

John landed six halibut, released four and I landed two and stopped fishing, two is the daily limit. It rained all day long, although the seas were relatively quiet.  Had a great time with four other people on the charter.  Here are some of the day's images.

John landed the first fish of the day.

Landing a 45 pound halibut is hard work and the manufacture of rain coats always makes the hoods way too big, or I have a very small head!

Even after 6 hours on the boat, John was a happy camper.  We are getting ready to head back to land.
John with the entire day's catch.

With our four fish.

The guide and his sister filleted all the fish and then we took our 47 pounds to the processing plant for packaging and freezing, then it will be air freighted to us.

This was our boat for the day.  The guide Mark actually built the boat and with his family owns the operation.  We had halibut for dinner tonight and it was yummy!  Bro John says "damn good."


  1. Wooo Hoooo!!!!! What a BIG catch! i can't imagine trying to reel that thing in! Wow.
    Sorry we couldn't connect up by phone tonight-I would've love to have heard the story first hand and fresh with excitement! Guess it will have to wait until you get back.

  2. Holy mackerel!!! (so to speak). Never knew about your fishing prowess! John looks SOOOO happy in these pix -- hope you are both having as much fun as it appears you are!
