Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10 Bugaboo Provincial Park

After doing all the "housework" this morning, we headed north to Bugaboo Provincial Park about an hour north of the campsite including 26 miles on a dirt road. John has inherited Daddy's DNA--riding all afternoon on pothole filled roads, trying to get the truck as dirty as possible and locating as many critters alive or dead --I just sit back and say "stop" for photos.  Nice life.  We met a consultant riding around on a logging road who was researching how to put in hydroelectric lines and he told us he had just bought a can of bear spray--$50!

It rained all night last night and drizzled 90% of today--no wonder everything is so green!
Along the fence rows are a lot of wild roses in full bloom with many more in the bud stage.

We hit a couple logging roads and saw two female Ruffled Grouse and their babies.  The young ones blended into the ground cover so well, you could hardly see them.  This female ran across the road away from the babies to protect them.
As we got further into the mountains, the fog was covering most of the tops and the raging creek along the side of the road was filled almost to overflowing.  The tall waterfalls like this one were roaring with the snow melt.  John's getting to be pretty expert at looking for his own photo ops from the drivers seat and he helps take the images for the blog.

Tomorrow morning we are loading up and driving north into the parks--past the Columbia Ice Fields and into Jasper where we will find a place to camp--this will be our first adventure without a reservation.  Don't know how the internet connections will be for several days, but we'll try to communicate.


  1. So much beauty all around you! It's hard to take it all in even from here looking at the photos! John should start his own blog too! Wouldn't that be a kick?
    I love wild roses. When I die, I want my ashes to go under the wild roses up in the mountains of Molokai. I've had that notion for decades...

  2. Hi L / J. LOVE the pics of the wildlife. We've seen pics of J. When will we see one of L? V.
