Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7 Radium Hot Springs

We arrived in Canada about noon yesterday and drove through Waterton Lakes National Park en route to Radium Hot Springs, the gateway to Kootenay National Park which actually provides entrance to the main Canadian north highway, route 93. 

Just after we entered the park this morning, we saw cars pulled over and there was big momma and two cubs.  The cubs were playing in the tree and although this is not such a great shot, you can see the cub on the branch of this tree.  They were so fun to watch playing with one another and falling off the branches.
We saw another bear and several deer, a grouse and prairie dogs today.  It was about a 6 hour drive in the park and after a stop in Lake Louise for ice cream, we drove back to our campground.  The trailer is parked right be a roaring stream and it was cool enough last night to use the heater.  Tonight we are grilling steaks for dinner.

Thanks to my friends Larry and Priscilla, I bought a portable electric ice maker before leaving.  At $3.50 per bag of ice up here, it will prove to be a great investment.  Thanks, guys.  It cranks out ice in about 30 minutes and we are happy campers!


  1. I see the bear in the tree! Wow-what an adventure. Except you are in the lap of luxury on nature's doorstep!

  2. Holy cow - that second bear is a big one!
